This is a secondary function that will use the computed Krig object and find various estimates of the smoothing parameter lambda. These are several different flavors of cross-validation, a moment matching strategy and the profile likelihood. This function can also be used independently with different data sets (the y's) if the covariates ( the x's) are the same and thus reduce the computation.

out, lambda.grid = NA, cost = 1, = 200, rmse
                 = NA, verbose = FALSE, tol = 1e-05, offset = 0, y =
                 NULL, give.warnings = TRUE)

gcv.sreg (
out, lambda.grid = NA, cost = 1, = 80, rmse =
                 NA, offset = 0, trmin = NA, trmax = NA, verbose =
                 FALSE, tol = 1e-05, give.warnings = TRUE)



A Krig or sreg object.


Grid of lambdas for coarse search. The default is equally spaced on effective degree of freedom scale.


Cost used in GCV denominator

Number of grid points in coarse search.


Target root mean squared error to match with the estimate of tau**2


If true prints intermediate results.


Tolerance in delcaring convergence of golden section search or bisection search.


Additional degrees of freedom to be added into the GCV denominator.


A new data vector to be used in place of the one associated with the Krig object (obj)


If FALSE will suppress warnings about grid search being out of range for various estimates based on GCV and REML.


Minimum value of lambda for grid search specified in terms of effective degrees of freedom.


Maximum value for grid search.


This function finds several estimates of the smoothing parameter using first a coarse grid search followed by a refinement using a minimization ( in the case of GCV or maximum likelihood) or bisection in the case of mathcing the rmse. Details of the estimators can be found in the help file for the Krig function.

The Krig object passed to this function has some matrix decompostions that facilitate rapid computation of the GCV and ML functions and do not depend on the independent variable. This makes it possible to compute the Krig object once and to reuse the decompostions for multiple data sets. (But keep in mind if the x values change then the object must be recalculated.) The example below show show this can be used for a simulation study on the variability for estimating the smoothing parameter.


A list giving a summary of estimates and diagonostic details with the following components:


A matrix describing results of the coarse search rows are values of lambda and the columns are lambda= value of smoothing parameter, trA=effective degrees of freedom, GCV=Usual GCV criterion, criterion leave-one-out, GCV.model= GCV based on average response in the case of replicates, tauHat= Implied estimate of tau , -Log Profile= negative log of profiel likelihood for the lambda.


Summary table of all estimates Rows index different types of estimates: GCV, GCV.model,, RMSE, pure error, -Log Profile and the columns are the estimated values for lambda, trA, GCV, tauHat.


Doug Nychka

See also


Tps( ChicagoO3$x, ChicagoO3$y)-> obj # default is to find lambda by GCV
summary( obj)
#> CALL:
#> Tps(x = ChicagoO3$x, Y = ChicagoO3$y)
#>  Number of Observations:                20     
#>  Number of unique points:               20     
#>  Number of parameters in the null space 3      
#>  Parameters for fixed spatial drift     3      
#>  Effective degrees of freedom:          4.5    
#>  Residual degrees of freedom:           15.5   
#>  MLE tau                                3.779  
#>  GCV tau                                4.073  
#>  MLE sigma                              347.7  
#>  Scale passed for covariance (sigma)    <NA>   
#>  Scale passed for nugget (tau^2)        <NA>   
#>  Smoothing parameter lambda             0.04107
#> Residual Summary:
#>     min   1st Q  median   3rd Q     max 
#> -6.8060 -1.4390 -0.5064  1.4440  7.7890 
#> Covariance Model: Rad.cov
#>   Names of non-default covariance arguments: 
#>        p
#>  Method used:   GCV    Cost:  1
#>    lambda       trA       GCV GCV.model    tauHat 
#>   0.04107   4.50304  21.40938  21.40938        NA   4.07296 
#>  Summary of all estimates found for lambda
#>             lambda   trA   GCV tauHat -lnLike Prof converge
#> GCV        0.04107 4.503 21.41  4.073        49.00        5
#> GCV.model       NA    NA    NA     NA           NA       NA
#>    0.04107 4.503 21.41  4.073           NA        5
#> RMSE            NA    NA    NA     NA           NA       NA
#> pure error      NA    NA    NA     NA           NA       NA
#> REML       0.02972 4.886 21.49  4.030        48.98        4

KrigFindLambda( obj)-> out
print( out$lambda.est) # results agree with Tps summary
#>                lambda      trA      GCV   tauHat -lnLike Prof converge
#> GCV        0.04107313 4.503038 21.40938 4.072962     49.00042        5
#> GCV.model          NA       NA       NA       NA           NA       NA
#>    0.04107313 4.503038 21.40938 4.072962           NA        5
#> RMSE               NA       NA       NA       NA           NA       NA
#> pure error         NA       NA       NA       NA           NA       NA
#> REML       0.02971891 4.886273 21.48837 4.029698     48.98323        4

sreg($t,$trt)-> out
gcv.sreg( out, tol=1e-10) # higher tolerance search for minimum 
#> $gcv.grid
#>          lambda       trA       GCV GCV.model    tauHat
#> 1  8.183514e-04 37.049991  8.075493  8.075493        NA 0.6354341
#> 2  1.028159e-03 36.645399  8.050161  8.050161        NA 0.6971539
#> 3  1.291758e-03 36.177994  8.017769  8.017769        NA 0.7616816
#> 4  1.622937e-03 35.645737  7.976059  7.976059        NA 0.8282481
#> 5  2.039024e-03 35.048882  7.922064  7.922064        NA 0.8958739
#> 6  2.561787e-03 34.390175  7.852044  7.852044        NA 0.9633881
#> 7  3.218575e-03 33.674681  7.761566  7.761566        NA 1.0294736
#> 8  4.043749e-03 32.909227  7.645807  7.645807        NA 1.0927368
#> 9  5.080481e-03 32.101546  7.500139  7.500139        NA 1.1518031
#> 10 6.383009e-03 31.259303  7.320957  7.320957        NA 1.2054290
#> 11 8.019478e-03 30.389253  7.106600  7.106600        NA 1.2526192
#> 12 1.007550e-02 29.496749  6.858138  6.858138        NA 1.2927272
#> 13 1.265865e-02 28.585697  6.579728  6.579728        NA 1.3255215
#> 14 1.590406e-02 27.658936  6.278397  6.278397        NA 1.3511980
#> 15 1.998152e-02 26.718887  5.963220  5.963220        NA 1.3703358
#> 16 2.510436e-02 25.768238  5.644109  5.644109        NA 1.3838029
#> 17 3.154059e-02 24.810474  5.330515  5.330515        NA 1.3926315
#> 18 3.962693e-02 23.850097  5.030364  5.030364        NA 1.3978879
#> 19 4.978644e-02 22.892527  4.749417  4.749417        NA 1.4005594
#> 20 6.255063e-02 21.943732  4.491090  4.491090        NA 1.4014757
#> 21 7.858729e-02 21.009719  4.256659  4.256659        NA 1.4012676
#> 22 9.873541e-02 20.096021  4.045690  4.045690        NA 1.4003629
#> 23 1.240491e-01 19.207263  3.856567  3.856567        NA 1.3990108
#> 24 1.558526e-01 18.346901  3.687000  3.687000        NA 1.3973233
#> 25 1.958100e-01 17.517133  3.534459  3.534459        NA 1.3953247
#> 26 2.460115e-01 16.718988  3.396497  3.396497        NA 1.3929989
#> 27 3.090837e-01 15.952539  3.270965  3.270965        NA 1.3903276
#> 28 3.883262e-01 15.217195  3.156109  3.156109        NA 1.3873155
#> 29 4.878848e-01 14.511992  3.050601  3.050601        NA 1.3840034
#> 30 6.129682e-01 13.835842  2.953499  2.953499        NA 1.3804710
#> 31 7.701203e-01 13.187710  2.864191  2.864191        NA 1.3768351
#> 32 9.675628e-01 12.566692  2.782335  2.782335        NA 1.3732454
#> 33 1.215625e+00 11.972029  2.707798  2.707798        NA 1.3698802
#> 34 1.527286e+00 11.403079  2.640610  2.640610        NA 1.3669421
#> 35 1.918850e+00 10.859261  2.580903  2.580903        NA 1.3646500
#> 36 2.410803e+00 10.340010  2.528864  2.528864        NA 1.3632278
#> 37 3.028882e+00  9.844737  2.484663  2.484663        NA 1.3628873
#> 38 3.805423e+00  9.372811  2.448394  2.448394        NA 1.3638090
#> 39 4.781053e+00  8.923550  2.420010  2.420010        NA 1.3661223
#> 40 6.006814e+00  8.496230  2.399287  2.399287        NA 1.3698897
#> 41 7.546834e+00  8.090092  2.385799  2.385799        NA 1.3750976
#> 42 9.481682e+00  7.704359  2.378923  2.378923        NA 1.3816557
#> 43 1.191259e+01  7.338243  2.377862  2.377862        NA 1.3894041
#> 44 1.496672e+01  6.990946  2.381688  2.381688        NA 1.3981267
#> 45 1.880387e+01  6.661671  2.389389  2.389389        NA 1.4075698
#> 46 2.362479e+01  6.349617  2.399931  2.399931        NA 1.4174613
#> 47 2.968168e+01  6.053988  2.412314  2.412314        NA 1.4275325
#> 48 3.729144e+01  5.774001  2.425636  2.425636        NA 1.4375387
#> 49 4.685218e+01  5.508892  2.439160  2.439160        NA 1.4472801
#> 50 5.886408e+01  5.257928  2.452380  2.452380        NA 1.4566240
#> 51 7.395559e+01  5.020415  2.465096  2.465096        NA 1.4655265
#> 52 9.291624e+01  4.795705  2.477490  2.477490        NA 1.4740559
#> 53 1.167380e+02  4.583193  2.490207  2.490207        NA 1.4824182
#> 54 1.466672e+02  4.382320  2.504464  2.504464        NA 1.4909878
#> 55 1.842695e+02  4.192570  2.522173  2.522173        NA 1.5003448
#> 56 2.315123e+02  4.013463  2.546106  2.546106        NA 1.5113200
#> 57 2.908672e+02  3.844543  2.580099  2.580099        NA 1.5250435
#> 58 3.654394e+02  3.685346  2.629251  2.629251        NA 1.5429833
#> 59 4.591303e+02  3.535377  2.700100  2.700100        NA 1.5669507
#> 60 5.768417e+02  3.394090  2.800645  2.800645        NA 1.5990342
#> 61 7.247317e+02  3.260896  2.940108  2.940108        NA 1.6414254
#> 62 9.105376e+02  3.135210  3.128290  3.128290        NA 1.6961152
#> 63 1.143980e+03  3.016522  3.374422  3.374422        NA 1.7644891
#> 64 1.437273e+03  2.904481  3.685565  3.685565        NA 1.8469127
#> 65 1.805759e+03  2.798959  4.064815  4.064815        NA 1.9424445
#> 66 2.268717e+03  2.700060  4.509777  4.509777        NA 2.0487936
#> 67 2.850368e+03  2.608079  5.011838  5.011838        NA 2.1625627
#> 68 3.581143e+03  2.523411  5.556621  5.556621        NA 2.2797131
#> 69 4.499272e+03  2.446432  6.125644  6.125644        NA 2.3961195
#> 70 5.652790e+03  2.377396  6.698779  6.698779        NA 2.5080728
#> 71 7.102046e+03  2.316354  7.256855  7.256855        NA 2.6126316
#> 72 8.922860e+03  2.263129  7.783785  7.783785        NA 2.7077851
#> 73 1.121049e+04  2.217331  8.267813  8.267813        NA 2.7924451
#> 74 1.408463e+04  2.178399  8.701848  8.701848        NA 2.8663206
#> 75 1.769563e+04  2.145660  9.083044  9.083044        NA 2.9297309
#> 76 2.223241e+04  2.118387  9.411967  9.411967        NA 2.9834094
#> 77 2.793233e+04  2.095851  9.691596  9.691596        NA 3.0283282
#> 78 3.509359e+04  2.077357  9.926394  9.926394        NA 3.0655601
#> 79 4.409085e+04  2.062267 10.121545 10.121545        NA 3.0961801
#> 80 5.539481e+04  2.050011 10.282391 10.282391        NA 3.1212022
#> $lambda.est
#>              lambda     trA      GCV   tauHat converge
#> GCV        11.10732 7.44848 2.377623 1.386913       16
#> GCV.model        NA      NA       NA       NA       NA
#>    11.10732 7.44848 2.377623 1.386913       16
#> RMSE             NA      NA       NA       NA       NA
#> pure error       NA      NA       NA       NA       NA
#> $warningTable
#>            Warning Refine indexMIN leftEndpoint rightEndpoint   lambda    effdf
#> GCV          FALSE   TRUE       43        FALSE         FALSE 11.91259 7.338243
#> GCV.model    FALSE  FALSE       NA           NA            NA       NA       NA
#>      FALSE   TRUE       43        FALSE         FALSE 11.91259 7.338243
#> RMSE         FALSE  FALSE       NA           NA            NA       NA       NA
#> pure error   FALSE  FALSE       NA           NA            NA       NA       NA
if (FALSE) {
# a simulation example
x<- seq( 0,1,,150)
f<-  x**2*( 1-x)
f<- f/sqrt( var( f))

set.seed(123) # let's all use the same seed
tau<- .1
y<- f + rnorm( 150)*tau

Tps( x,y)-> obj # create Krig object

hold<- hold2<- matrix( NA, ncol=6, nrow=200)

for( k in 1:200){
# look at GCV estimates of lambda
# new data simulated
   y<- f + rnorm(150)*tau 
# save GCV estimates
lambdaTable<- KrigFindLambda(obj,  y=y, give.warnings=FALSE)$lambda.est
hold[k,]<-  lambdaTable[1,]
hold2[k,]<-  lambdaTable[6,]
matplot( cbind(hold[,2], hold2[,2]),cbind( hold[,4],hold2[,4]),
 xlab="estimated eff. df", ylab="tau hat", pch=16, col=c("orange3", "green2"), type="p")
yline( tau, col="grey", lwd=2)
