• Douglas Nychka. Author, maintainer.

  • Reinhard Furrer. Author.

  • John Paige. Author.

  • Stephan Sain. Author.

  • Florian Gerber. Author.

  • Matthew Iverson. Author.

  • University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. Copyright holder.


Source: inst/CITATION

Douglas Nychka, Reinhard Furrer, John Paige, Stephan Sain (2021). “fields: Tools for spatial data.” R package version 14.1, https://github.com/dnychka/fieldsRPackage.

  title = {fields: Tools for spatial data},
  author = {{Douglas Nychka} and {Reinhard Furrer} and {John Paige} and {Stephan Sain}},
  note = {R package version 14.1},
  organization = {University Corporation for Atmospheric Research},
  address = {Boulder, CO, USA},
  year = {2021},
  url = {https://github.com/dnychka/fieldsRPackage},