If gaps with the flag -9999.0 exist, these are set to NA.
fLoadTXTIntoDataframe(FileName = FileName.s,
Dir = if (!missing(Dir.s)) Dir.s else "",
FileName.s, Dir.s = "")
Function fLoadFluxNCIntoDataframe, which loads data from NetCDF-Files, has
been moved to add-on package REddyProcNCDF.
In addition, fLoadEuroFlux16
loads data from several annual
files in format corresponding to Europe-fluxdata 2016.
For using only part of the records, use fFilterAttr
to keep
units attributes.
Data frame with data from text file.
# \donttest{
examplePath <- getExamplePath('Example_DETha98.txt', TRUE)
EddyData.F <- fLoadTXTIntoDataframe(examplePath)
#> Loaded file /tmp/REddyProcExamples/Example_DETha98.txt with the following variables (units):
#> *** Year(-) DoY(-) Hour(-) NEE(umolm-2s-1) LE(Wm-2) H(Wm-2) Rg(Wm-2) Tair(degC) Tsoil(degC) rH(%) VPD(hPa) Ustar(ms-1)
#> Number of '-9999' convertered to NA: 11657
# }