reads a sequence of annual files in the format of Europe-fluxdata 2016
fLoadEuroFlux16(siteName, dirName = "", additionalColumnNames = character(0))
- siteName
scalar string: the name of the site, i.e. start of the filename before _<year>_
- dirName
scalar string: the directory where the files reside
- additionalColumnNames
character vector: column names to read in addition to c("Month", "Day", "Hour", "NEE_st", "qf_NEE_st", "ustar", "Ta", 'Rg')
The filenames should correspond to the pattern <sitename>_<YYYY>_. * .txt
And hold columns c("Month", "Day", "Hour", "NEE_st", "qf_NEE_st", "ustar", "Ta", 'Rg').
By default only those columns are read and reported only
c("DateTime", "NEE", "Ustar", "Tair", "Rg", "qf_NEE_st" (Note the renaming).
NEE is set to NA for all values with "qf_NEE_st != 0.
Values of -9999.0 are replaced by NA
Department for Biogeochemical Integration at MPI-BGC, Jena, Germany <> [cph], Thomas Wutzler <> [aut, cre], Markus Reichstein <> [aut], Antje Maria Moffat <> [aut, trl], Olaf Menzer <> [ctb], Mirco Migliavacca <> [aut], Kerstin Sickel <> [ctb, trl], Ladislav <U+0160>igut <> [ctb]