Default list of parameters for subsetting the data for uStarThreshold estimation
usControlUstarSubsetting(taClasses = 7, UstarClasses = 20,
swThr = 10, minRecordsWithinTemp = 100,
minRecordsWithinSeason = 160, minRecordsWithinYear = 3000,
isUsingOneBigSeasonOnFewRecords = TRUE)
set number of air temperature classes
set number of Ustar classes
nighttime data threshold for solar radiation [Wm-2]
integer scalar: the minimum number of Records within one Temperature-class
integer scalar: the minimum number of Records within one season
integer scalar: the minimum number of Records within one year
boolean scalar: set to FALSE to avoid aggregating all seasons on too few records
, usControlUstarSubsetting
#> $taClasses
#> [1] 7
#> $UstarClasses
#> [1] 20
#> $swThr
#> [1] 10
#> $minRecordsWithinTemp
#> [1] 100
#> $minRecordsWithinSeason
#> [1] 160
#> $minRecordsWithinYear
#> [1] 3000
#> $isUsingOneBigSeasonOnFewRecords
#> [1] TRUE