The diurnal cycles of a single month are plotted to the current device, scaled to all data. Each year is plotted as a different (coloured) line.
sEddyProc_sPlotDiurnalCycleM(Var = Var.s,
QFVar = if (!missing(QFVar.s)) QFVar.s else "none",
QFValue = if (!missing(QFValue.n)) QFValue.n else NA_real_,
Month = Month.i, Legend = if (!missing(Legend.b)) Legend.b else T,
data = cbind(sDATA, sTEMP), dts = sINFO$DTS,
Var.s, QFVar.s = "none", QFValue.n = NA_real_,
Month.i, Legend.b = T)
Variable to plot
Quality flag of variable to be filled
Value of quality flag for data to plot
Month to plot
Plot with legend
data.frame with variables to plot
numeric integer
Variable to plot
Quality flag of variable to be filled
Value of quality flag for data to plot
Month to plot
Plot with legend