This function first computes the average flux for each day.
If the original unit is not "per day", then it need to be converted to
"per day" by argument timeFactor
Furthermore, a change of the mass unit is provided by argument
The default parameters assume original units of mumol CO2 / m2 / second
and convert to gC / m2 / day.
The conversion factors allow plotting variables with different units
sEddyProc_sPlotDailySumsY(Var, VarUnc = "none",
Year, timeFactor = 3600 * 24, massFactor = (44.0096/1e+06) *
(12.011/44.0096), unit = "gC/m2/day",
dts = sINFO$DTS, data = cbind(sDATA,
(Filled) variable to plot
Uncertainty estimates for variable
Year to plot
time conversion factor with default per second to per day
mass conversion factor with default from mumol CO2 to g C
unit of the daily sums
numeric integer
data.frame with variables to plot