Convert different time formats to POSIX
fConvertTimeToPosix(Data.F, TFormat = TFormat.s,
Year = if (!missing(Year.s)) Year.s else "none",
Month = if (!missing(Month.s)) Month.s else "none",
Day = if (!missing(Day.s)) Day.s else "none",
Hour = if (!missing(Hour.s)) Hour.s else "none",
Min = if (!missing(Min.s)) Min.s else "none",
TName = if (!missing(TName.s)) TName.s else "DateTime",
TFormat.s, Year.s, Month.s, Day.s, Hour.s,
Min.s, TName.s, tz = "GMT")
Data frame with time columns to be converted
Abbreviation for implemented time formats, see details
Column name of year
Column name of month
Column name of day
Column name of hour
Column name of min
Column name of new column
timezone used to store the data. Advised to keep GMT to avoid daytime shifting issues
The different time formats are converted to POSIX (GMT) and a 'TimeDate' column is prefixed to the data frame
Implemented time formats:
year, day of year, hour in decimal (e.g. 1998, 1, 10.5). The day (of year) format is (1-365 or 1-366 in leap years). The hour format is decimal time (0.0-23.5).
year, month, day of month, hour in decimal (e.g. 1998, 1, 1, 10.5) The month format is (1-12) The day (of month) format is (1-31).
year, month, day of month, integer hour, minute (e.g. 1998, 1, 1, 10, 30) The hour format is (0-23) The minute format is (0-59)
Data frame with prefixed POSIX time column.
# See unit test in test_fConvertTimeToPosix for example