Predicts the Net Ecosystem Production (NEP), Ecosystem Respiration (Reco) and Gross Primary Production (GPP) based on the Light Response Function.
LRC_predictLRC(theta, Rg, VPD, Temp, VPD0 = 10, fixVPD = (k == 0), TRef = 15)
numeric vector of parameters. If theta is a matrix, a different row of parameters is used for different entries of other inputs.
photosynthetic flux density mumol / m2 / s or Global Radiation.
Vapor Pressure Deficit hPa
Temperature degC
hPa, Parameters VPD0 fixed to 10 hPa according to Lasslop et al 2010
if TRUE the VPD effect is not considered and VPD is not part of the computation
numeric scalar of Temperature (degree Celsius) for reference respiration RRef
NEP: Net ecosystem production (-NEE), vector of length(Rg)
Reco: Ecosystem respiration
GPP: Gross primary production
The VPD effect is included according to Lasslop et al., 2010.